Infection Control Lapse Reporting

IPAC Lapses
This page contains reports where an infection control lapse was found for institutions (e.g. schools, child care centres), personal service settings (e.g. nail salons, tattoo/piercing studios) and regulated health professionals settings (e.g. physicians, dentists, physiotherapists).
For detailed food safety and personal service settings inspection reports and tickets, orders and closures, visit .
Infection control complaints and lapses
When a complaint is received, Public Health conducts a non-routine infection prevention and control (IPAC) investigation of the business to ensure there is no risk to the public. An IPAC lapse is a departure from infection prevention and control standards. The result could be infectious disease transmission to patients or staff through exposure to blood or body fluids. An example would be medical equipment that is improperly cleaned and can spread infections from one person to another.
If necessary, the Health Unit works with the business to take corrective action. If the outcome of an investigation indicates a risk to patients, Public Health has processes in place to notify patients of the risks and what they need to do.
This page contains reports on businesses where an IPAC lapse was identified. It does not include reports of businesses that were investigated by Public Health following a complaint where no infection prevention and control lapse was identified.
Please note: Once an IPAC lapse is identified it is posted and remains posted for two years after a final inspection that concludes the service is in full compliance with IPAC standards. If patients of a service had to be notified of the possibility of a blood-borne infection, the lapse will remain posted for two years.
Infection Control Complaints
Regulated Health Professionals:
- There are no complaints at this time.
- There are no complaints at this time.
Personal Services:
- There are no complaints at this time.
In November, 2015 the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) released a new guidance document for disclosing infection prevention and control lapses. Infection prevention and control lapse investigations done after November, 2015 will be detailed on new reporting forms that follow the requirements of this document. MOHLTC requests that the following disclaimer is posted on all public health websites:
This web page contains reports on premises where an infection prevention and control lapse was identified through the assessment of a complaint or referral, or through communicable disease surveillance. It does not include reports of premises which were investigated following a complaint or referral where no infection prevention and control lapse was ultimately identified.
These reports are not exhaustive, and do not guarantee that those premises listed and not listed are free of infection prevention and control lapses. Identification of lapses is based on assessment and investigation of a premises at a point-in-time, and these assessments and investigations are triggered when potential infection prevention and control lapses are brought to the attention of the local medical officer of health.
Reports are posted on the website of the board of health in which the premises is located. Reports are posted on a premises-by-premises basis, i.e., will correspond with one site only. Should you wish to view a full investigation report for any posted lapse, please contact 1-866-888-4577, extension 5006.