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Substance Overdose Profile Dashboard

Substance Overdose Profile Data

Explore the latest data on substance overdose-related harms in the HKPR District including emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths.

Use this information to stay informed and support data-driven decision making for the well-being of those in the HKPR District area.

Substance Overdose Profile HKPR District Health Unit Area

*The Substance Overdose Profile Dashboard is updated weekly on Wednesdays.


substance overdose alerts issued


suspected overdoses responded to by paramedics


suspected overdoses responded to by police


deaths due to opioid overdoses in September 2024


hospitalizations related to opioid overdoses (including mental health issues) in 2023


emergency department visits due to opioid overdoses in 2023


hospitalizations related to alcohol overdoses (including mental health issues) in 2023


emergency department visits due to alcohol (including mental health issues) overdoses in 2023

About the Substance Overdose Profile Dashboard

The Substance Overdose Profile Dashboard reports the number of confirmed and suspected opioid-related overdoses occurring within the HKPR District Health Unit area and among residents of the HKPR District Health Unit occurring outside the HKPR District Health Unit area. It also provided details for harms related to other substance overdoses (emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths) including mental health issues related to substance use.

Certain sections of the dashboard (Weekly report, Alerts, and Monthly Surveillance) are updated weekly and report the number of drug overdose events reported for the previous week, and the number of overdoses by month for the current year.

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The HKPR District Health Unit Substance Overdose Profile Dashboard reports selected substance overdose-related emergency department data from the National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS), selected substance-related hospitalization data from the Discharge Abstract Database (DAD), and the Ontario Mental Health Reporting System (OHMRS), via Intellihealth, Ontario Ministry of Health. Further information on these data sources can be found here: NACRSDAD, OMHRS.

The weekly data on opioid overdoses is sourced from the Acute Care Enhanced Surveillance (ACES) system. This section also includes data provided through various partners (police and paramedic services) as identified in detail in the data source section of the dashboard. Data provided weekly through the Ministry of Health report as well as report from the coroner’s office are also included under weekly update.  

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