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Immunizations for School

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Under the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) the HKPR District Health Unit is required to collect and maintain up-to-date immunization records for every student registered for school in the area. The law states that parents and caregivers must provide the Health Unit with proof of completed immunizations or a valid exemption. 

Every year, the Health Unit reviews its records and send letters home to students who are missing immunizations. The letters explain which immunizations are missing from the records and when the missing information is due. If the information is not provided by the due date, the student could be suspended from school.

Required Immunizations for School

The following vaccines are required if your child attends school.

Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis and Polio Given at 2, 4, 6, and 18 months

Vaccine Brand: Pediacel® or Pentacel®  

Meningitis C Given at 12 months

Vaccine Brand: Menjugate® or Neisvac-C® 

Measles, Mumps and Rubella Given at 12 months

Vaccine Brand: MMR II® or Priorix® 

Chickenpox (varicella) Given at 15 months

Vaccine Brand: Varivax® or Varilrix®  
Only required for those born in 2010 or later

Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Polio Given at 4 - 6 years

Vaccine Brand: Adacel-IPV®  

Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella Given at 4 - 6 years

Vaccine Brand: ProQuad® or Priorix-Tetra®  

Meningitis ACWY135 Given in Grade 7

Vaccine Brand: Menactra® or Nimenrix® 

Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis Given at 14-16 years

Vaccine Brand: Adacel® 

What You Need to Do

If you have received a letter from the Health Unit regarding your child's immunization record, review the following scenarios to determine next steps.

Book an appointment with your Health Care Provider and bring the letter with you. If you do not have a Health Care Provider, book a Health Unit appointment by visiting Immunization Clinic or by calling 1-866-888-4577 x 1507.

After your child has received the immunization(s), update the online Submit Immunization Record. You can also update by phone, email, fax, mail or in person. 

Update your child's record with the Health Unit. Visit Submit Immunization Record. You can also update records by phone, email, fax, mail or in person. You will need your child's name, date of birth, name of vaccine given and date the vaccine was given to complete the record.

NOTE: The Health Unit is not notified when your child receives an immunization through your health care provider.

Call the Health Unit if you or your Health Care Provider have any questions. Your child may need to be re-immunized.

Book an appointment with your physician or nurse practitioner to have a Statement of Medical Exemption form filled out.  

Drop-off or mail the completed form to a Health Unit offices.

Complete the vaccine exemption process which begins with watching the vaccine education video below.

Next Steps:

  1. Contact the Health Unit by phone or email with any questions you may have, and to request a Vaccine Education Certificate be mailed to you.  
  2. Complete a Statement of Conscience or Religious Beliefform. It must be signed by a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits.  
  3. Drop-off or mail the completed form to a Health Unit office.

Visit Vaccines for children at school for more information.

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